Connect to disconnect

You’ve got your eyes everywhere, even though you’re snuggled under a blanket on the sofa. Your youngest one is sleeping peacefully, otherwise you’d know all about it. The electricity bill has just come in. You can open it later, because there won’t be any surprises. That’s exactly what omajin, Netatmo’s little sister, was designed for. Simply connect to disconnect. Your home will take over, so you can concentrate on what really matters!

“Did you remember to turn everything off?” No answer. Who’s right and who’s wrong? It’s already pretty hot, and now the temperature’s rising. It takes just two seconds to cool things down. Switch everything off. Unplug. Time to move on. 

“What if…?” This question takes up too much space in our lives. What if we can’t hear the baby? What if we’d forgotten to lock the doors? Too many “ifs” create problems. When you know for sure, there aren’t any more “ifs”. What if this was the happy home?

Control all your products from your smartphone.

Create an ecosystem tailored to your needs: access all your omajin products and their features from your smartphone, without any subscription fees or additional costs.

Here at omajin, we adapt to you,
not the other way round!

Say goodbye to the mental workload!

Connect for 5 minutes and get peace of mind for 5 hours, 5 days, 5 weeks… What we’re doing is thinking of you. What we want is for you to think of yourself. For you to enjoy life.

Keeping it simple and effective

The easy way to a connected home without drilling holes in walls or pulling your hair out. Without getting tangled up in miles of cables, it’s the stuff of dreams. Well, omajin has done it. You’re welcome, it’s a pleasure! 

The perfect balance

Because we’re convinced that turning your home into a safe haven shouldn’t be complicated, let alone expensive. omajin has designed affordable products without any trade-off in quality.
